Meet our experts
USC’s ever expanding list of Frontiers of Computing experts come from a broad array of disciplines — engineering, public policy, business, and the arts. They are world-class researchers and award-winning educators who are using advanced computing tools to address and solve local and global challenges in business, communications, health, and sustainability, and they are shaping the policy and ethics discussions surrounding technology’s transformative impact. Their collaborative and interdisciplinary efforts expand the possibilities of the academy, spur innovation and advance research, and they are providing our students with unrivaled experiences and boundless opportunities for their future.
Here are a few experts for you to meet. We encourage you to check back as the list grows.

Wael Abd-Almageed
Research Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Research Director, USC Information Sciences Institute

Leonard Adleman
Distinguished Professor of Computer Science; Henry Salvatori Chair in Computer Science

Margo Apostolos
Co-director and Co-founder of the Cedars-Sinai/USC Glorya Kaufman Dance Medicine Center; Professor of Dance

Salman Avestimehr
Dean’s Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science; Director, USC-Amazon Center for Secure and Trusted Machine Learning (Trusted AI); Director, Information Theory and Machine Learning (vITAL) research lab

Neil Bahroos
Associate Professor of Research Population and Public Health Sciences; Chief Research Informatics Officer of the Keck School of Medicine and Keck Medicine of USC

Peter A. Beerel
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Associate Chair, Computer Engineering

Sebina Bulic
Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology (Clinician Educator); Director, Stroke Neurology

Ewa Deelman
Research Professor of Computer Science; Principal Scientist, USC Information Sciences Institute

Antonio Damasio
University Professor, Professor of Psychology, Philosophy and Neurology, and David Dornsife Chair in Neuroscience

Bistra Dilkina
Associate Professor of Computer Science; Co-Director for USC Center for AI in Society (CAIS); Dr. Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg Early Career Chair

Kimon Drakopoulos
Robert R. Dockson Assistant Professor in Business Administration; Assistant Professor of Data Sciences and Operations

Nathanael Fast
Jorge Paulo and Susanna Lemann Chair in Entrepreneurship; Associate Professor of Management and Organization; Director of the Neely Center for Ethical Leadership and Decision Making; Co-Director of the Psychology of Technology Institute

Stacey Finley
Nichole A. and Thuan Q. Pham Professor; Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, and Quantitative and Computational Biology

Tracy Fullerton
Professor of Cinematic Arts, Interactive Media & Games Division;
Electronic Arts Endowed Chair, Interactive Entertainment;
Director, USC Game Innovation Lab

Roger Ghanem
Gordon S. Marshall Professor of Engineering Technology; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Leana Golubchik
Stephen and Etta Varra Professor and Professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering

Vishal Gupta
Associate Professor of Data Sciences and Operations; Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Laura Melissa Guzman
Gabilan Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, and Quantitative and Computational Biology

John Heidemann
Research Professor of Computer Science; Principal Scientist, USC Information Sciences Institute

Randall W. Hill, Jr.
Research Professor of Computer Science; Vice Dean, Viterbi School of Engineering; Executive Director, USC Institute for Creative Technologies

Rajiv Kalia
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Computer Science, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, and Biomedical Engineering

Mayank Kejriwal
Research Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering; Research Team Leader

Craig Knoblock
Research Professor of Computer Science and Spatial Sciences; Vice Dean of Engineering; Michael Keston Executive Director, USC Information Sciences Institute

Bhaskar Krishnamachari
Ming Hsieh Faculty Fellow in Electrical and Computer Engineering-Systems; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science

C.-C. Jay Kuo
William M. Hogue Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science

Richard Leahy
Professor and Chair, Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Systems)

Caryn Lerman
Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences and Psychology; H. Leslie Hoffman and Elaine S. Hoffman Chair in Cancer Research; Director USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center; Associate Dean for Cancer Programs

Kristina Lerman
Research Professor of Computer Science; Principal Scientist, USC Information Sciences Institute

Naomi Levine
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Quantitative and Computational Biology, and Earth Sciences

Daniel Lidar
Professor of Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemistry, and Physics (Quantum Computing)

Yan Liu
Philip and Cayley MacDonald Endowed Early Career Chair; Professor of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Biomedical Sciences

Maja Mataric
Chan Soon-Shiong Chair; Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Neuroscience, and Pediatrics

Nenad (Neno) Medvidović
Professor and Chair of Computer Science; Director Emeritus, Center for Systems and Software Engineering

Andreas Molisch
Solomon Golomb – Andrew and Erna Viterbi Chair; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Aiichiro Nakano
Professor of Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy, and Quantitative and Computational Biology

Shri Narayanan
University Professor, Niki and Max Nikias Chair in Engineering; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Linguistics, Psychology, Pediatrics, and Otolaryngology

Prem Natarajan
Research Professor of Computer Science with Distinction; Chief Scientist, EVP and Head of Enterprise Data and AI, Capital One

Stefanos Nikolaidis
Fluor Early Career Chair in Engineering; Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Antonio Ortega
Dean’s Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Massoud Pedram
Charles Lee Powell Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Timothy M. Pinkston
George Pfleger Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Viktor K. Prasanna
Charles Lee Powell Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science

Ishwar K. Puri
Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering; Senior Vice President, Research and Innovation

Remo Rohs
Professor of Quantitative and Computational Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Astronomy and Computer Science

Maryam Shanechi
Andrew and Erna Viterbi Early Career Chair; Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering – Systems, Biomedical Engineering, and Computer Science

Shaama Sharada
WiSE Gabilan Assistant Professor; Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Chemistry

Cyrus Shahabi
Helen N. and Emmett H. Jones Professorship in Engineering; Professor of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Spatial Sciences

Mahdi Soltanolkotabi
Andrew and Erna Viterbi Early Career Chair; Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science

Gaurav Sukhatme
Fletcher Jones Foundation Endowed Chair in Computer Science; Professor of Computer Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering

Shanghua Teng
University Professor; Seeley G. Mudd Professor of Engineering; Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics

Paul Thompson
Professor of Ophthalmology, Neurology, Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences, Radiology, Psychiatry, and Engineering; Associate Director, USC Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute

Arthur Toga
Provost Professor of Ophthalmology, Neurology, Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences, Radiology and Engineering; Ghada Irani Chair in Neuroscience; Director, USC Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute

Priya Vashishta
Dean’s Professor in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics and Astronomy

Phebe Vayanos
WiSE Gabilan Assistant Professor; Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Computer Science

Arieh Warshel
Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 2013; Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Quantitative, and Computational Biology; Dana and David Dornsife Chair in Chemistry

John Wilson
Professor of Sociology and Spatial Sciences; Founding Director of Spatial Sciences Institute

Frank Zerunyan
Professor of the Practice of Governance; Director, Executive Education Programs; Director, ROTC Programs